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Spirits and SmartFrog

Its commonplace for us to experience some sort of epiphany or even some form of brilliant thinking during certain times. These times include the peak of an exercise session, a casual stop to the restroom, and even the post drunk phase that occurs right before falling...

Test data warehouse – SCHEMA!!

Trying to figure out the best way to store test execution history and test case management inside of a database. The best way may be to have a staging environment:Immediately after test execution, store test results in flat file formatPerform some kind of automated...

Implementing Quality without process

So, I’m at a new role now and am responsible for automation. Our app is a web app that will sit on JBoss Tomcat and we also create a db that sits on postgres. We support multiple languages. I guess the role is more of a process engineer who loves both the...

FAT – NOT PHAT (pretty hot and tempting)

As we talk about leaning and pruning our software in an effort to make it more clean and agile, I can’t help but wonder what kind of things we can do to help our own bodies out. If any of y’all have some fun tips to help me get back in shape (and maybe a...