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Trying to figure out the best way to store test execution history and test case management inside of a database. The best way may be to have a staging environment:

  1. Immediately after test execution, store test results in flat file format
  2. Perform some kind of automated scraper to place test results into the test db repository. This repository would also store the test cases. Test cases are DIFFERENT from test case execution.


  1. Immediately after test execution, store test results into an operational database
  2. Perform some kind of cron script to pull information from this operational database and place it in a central test data warehouse.

OR a variation of the above.
The database would ideally have the ability to link to our bug tracking system (Bugzilla).

The critical aspect of this project is determining the schema for this database(s) and ideally we’d tap into this from our test framework using hibernate.